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ГЛАВНАЯ » 2008 » Май » 10 » Подробности о новом альбоме ABORTED
Подробности о новом альбоме ABORTED
Европейский death metal коллектив ABORTED, образованный участниками из Бельгии, Франции и Великобритании, демонстрирует отточенное мастерство на своем шестом по счету полноформатном альбоме, "Strychnine.213", следующим за "Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture" (2007) и способном убить слушателя своей невообразимой по жестокости и шокирующей разнообразием брутальностью.

Наряду с торжественным представлением обложки нового альбома работы Colin'a Marks'a / Rain Song, ABORTED опубликовали на своей MySpace-странице два новых трека. Один из них, "I35", демонстрирует, насколько успешно ABORTED повысили в своем звучании уровень модернизма и мрачных и удивляющих динамичных и мелодичных элементов, тогда как второй, "Pestiferous Subterfuge", являет собой очередного брутального, гармоничного и тяжелого донельзя монстра!

Сочетая неугасаемую жизненную энергию с мощным исполнением под руководством Eric'a Rachel'a (THE RED CHORD, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, GOD FORBID) и "fuck you rock 'n' roll"-ным подходом к чересчур отредактированным и стерильно звучащим современным death metal альбомам, ABORTED успешно сохраняет свои злобные корни, эволюционируя в плане мелодизма, музыкальной виртуозности и энергетики.

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4 litkvdcher1  
Well, nowhere-Whitened game is incorporated in the books, also it would be a resounding victory for that Blue team, 126-104. What we should saw tonight was virtually that which you expect - a little more intensity than Large Blue Madness, but nonetheless a woeful insufficient defense. It designed for a thrilling offensive display, that is most likely what we should all type of wanted anyway.This team is just filthy with talent. I'm quite sure that the 1996 team wasn't this gifted, however they were more polished and experienced. Both of these scrimmage teams as constituted tonight may likely both be sufficiently good to result in the Top 25 simply by themselves. That's an incredible factor to state, but that is the way i first viewed it.Calipari did precious little training, that we thought was interesting. Either he'd made the decision it only agreed to be too intrusive, or just thinks this group is in front of the overall game at this time. I occur to believe the second, however the former is equally as plausible, as well as other equally justification.Right here are my impressions in the scrimmage:Terrence Johnson was simply awesome tonight offensively, and it has far surpassed my anticipation. But he needs to share nowhere game ball with Michael Kidd-Gilchrist. Kidd-Gilchrist accomplished it many small things, defended non-stop, and constantly assaulted the rim. I had been so impressed together with his game, his energy, and the defense, he needed to share the recognition.Anthony Davis really was great for the Whitened, and that he will get my game ball for that losing side. He went the ground just like a deer, made lots of baskets in transition, and also got a lot of blocks and shot changes. Around the gloomy, his slight frame turned up as being an issue against Vargas and Johnson. He's a 6'10" small forward, not really a energy forward.Marquis Teague performed perfectly, and also got lots of points close to the rim. It's obvious he is not completely comfortable within this system yet, and that he made numerous defensive and ballhandling errors. Obviously, so did everybody else. However I love his level of skill and the strength.Kyle Wiltjer performed very well, overall. He's one step reduced compared to other men, but he really shoots the ball well in the perimeter and runs the ground with the best.Doron Lamb got off and away to a sluggish start, but he first got it pointed in the other half. He obtained the majority of his points within the fresh paint off cuts and transition, and did a great job of finishing round the rim. His perimeter shooting was off tonight, though.Darrius Miller's perimeter shooting wasn't off, but once more, he'd a inclination to combine in to the background both on offense and defense. But he was making really lengthy threes, making some great moves as he did assert themself offensively.Stacey Poole performed well. He still needs more work, but he appears athletically and psychologically ready for that Division I game this season.Eloy Vargas demonstrated a couple of signs and symptoms of improvement, but also, he displayed most of the same stuff that stored him started a lot this past year, as an lack of ability to complete round the rim.Twany Beckham is actually strong and effective, but he's a dreadful shooting stroke.Ryan Harrow were built with a couple of moments, however i would be a little deflated by his game.Nice dunk by Jarrod Polson in the finish. Caught me unexpectedly.That is about all I've. It had been fun to look at, and i'm convinced this team will probably be terrific. At this time within the youthful season, this scrimmage provided everything I wished I'd see, and much more.
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